In Homer’s Odyssey, there’s a tender moment between Odysseus, and his faithful dog, Argos.
Odysseus, who returned to Ithaca after 20 long years, is reunited with Argos, who was a mere pup when his master left. Argos protected the family tirelessly the entire time.
Upon seeing his beloved friend, Argos wags his tail with every ounce of strength left, and then passes away moments later.
Homer, Odyssey 17.300-305:
“There lay the dog, Argos, covered with pests. But then, where he recognized that Odysseus was coming near, he wagged his tail and flattened both ears,
but he could no longer rise to meet his master. Then Odysseus looked sideways and wiped away a tear, easily escaping Eumaios’ notice; then he questioned him.”
ἔνθα κύων κεῖτ’ ῎Αργος ἐνίπλειος κυνοραιστέων.
δὴ τότε γ’, ὡς ἐνόησεν ᾿Οδυσσέα ἐγγὺς ἐόντα,
οὐρῇ μέν ῥ’ ὅ γ’ ἔσηνε καὶ οὔατα κάββαλεν ἄμφω,
ἄσσον δ’ οὐκέτ’ ἔπειτα δυνήσατο οἷο ἄνακτος
ἐλθέμεν· αὐτὰρ ὁ νόσφιν ἰδὼν ἀπομόρξατο δάκρυ,
ῥεῖα λαθὼν Εὔμαιον, ἄφαρ δ’ ἐρεείνετο μύθῳ·